

The Law Firm was founded in 2005 in Szolnok, I gave it, which founder and owner, also named after me. As for careers, and Telemig ségemet-out is concerned, between 1992 and 1995 in Budapest, the Criminal Police College Faculty learned and earned college degrees.

Even the college fields of interest included the topic of economic crime, so the college years – the studies of college – I completed a special training course is also investigating economic security profession.

After graduating from college came to Szolnok, where the first Jasz-Szolnok County Metro Police Department of Economics Department of Defense, and then worked for the Department of Investigation, investigating the main priority and main priority rank test.

In addition to my office immediately after college was admitted to the University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and State, which is the 2000th I finished my year.
Shortly before graduating from university to professional life is a significant change in performance since I became a member of the Criminal Tax Board at the time was where I worked as a tax investigator. As a Tax Investigation (later a financial investigator) to the lawyer válásomig worked.

The university immediately after graduation I enrolled at the Catholic University of Ferenc Deak Training Institute launched by corporate lawyer specializing in training, which is the 2003rd years was carried out.

The post-secondary school studies under the szakdolgozataimat of criminology, criminal law and closely linked with the economic theme of selected areas of law. The diplomamunkáim topics, based on these titles were: organized crime in Hungary (1994) Witness Protection (1999), and tax evasion and related fields of law examination and analysis (2003).

Higher studies in I was in the fortunate position to attract highly theoretical and practical history teachers, konzulensektől I could learn what I am proud to this day.